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- # tcpdl.config
- #
- # Any line with a hash (#) in column 1 will be treated as
- # a comment and ignored.
- #
- #
- # Specify the proxy server
- #
- #PROXY www-cache.demon.co.uk:8080
- #
- # Specify the timeouts in seconds
- #
- #
- # Specify the number of attempts for each file
- #
- #
- # Specify that no e-mail address is sent to the server
- #
- #
- # Specify the max number of URLs to be downloaded concurrently
- #
- #TASKS 12
- #
- # Specify the User Agent name to be sent to the server
- #
- #USERAGENT tcpdl/2.4a Amiga
- #
- # Files with a suffix specified in a command of the form:
- #
- # IGNORE <suffix>
- #
- # will not be downloaded unless they appear explicitly
- # in the urllist file.
- #
- # <suffix> may contain any printing characters except white
- # space, and will be compared to the end of each URL.
- #
- # ignore lha archives
- IGNORE .lha
- # ignore zip archives
- IGNORE .zip
- # ignore .wav sound files
- IGNORE .wav
- # ignore MS-DOS executables
- IGNORE .exe